I don't particularly like kiddie Christmas albums. I never had them growing up at Christmas time and until last year, I never understood the fascination with them.
"At a Christmas party last year, a friend came up to me who received my annual Christmas compilation and began talking about Christmas music in general.
"He distinctly remembered all the Firestone albums that his mother would play repeatedly at Christmas time and wanted me to locate some of them for him. I reminded him there were around 22 volumes of the Firestone albums but he didn't care.
"'To me, that's Christmas.' he stated matter of factly.
"And there lies the secret of Christmas music. Many of your most intimate, favorite Christmas memories are forever interlinked with the Christmas music you remember as a child. That's why kiddie records like A Merry Monster Christmas and A Cabbage Patch Christmas remain for some as the most precious Christmas music of all time.
Shirley & Squirrely is the only out-and-out kiddie Christmas album I have to offer this season. This entry into the Christmas singing rodental department ranks way below the Chipmunks and the Nutty Squirrels but way above Woody The Woodchuck. The album has a country/western feel to it and you can easily hear the southern twang in the sped-up voices of the singers.
The back cover of this album tells many tales. Recorded in 1976 in Nashville, then released in 1980 on Lakeshore Records of Newport Beach, CA, it lists an address in Schaumburg, IL where you can order additional copies of this album (be still my heart) on LP, cassette, and 8-track!
Somewhere in this great land of ours - either in a shoebox at a local Salvation Army store or a landfill near you - an 8-track of this album exists!
Here it is - click at your own risk:
Shirley & Squirrely - Christmas With
Happy listening...