During one of my vinyl raids of a local thrift shop here in Fort Wayne, I came across this album whose cover definitely caught my eye.
Then I found a different version of the album in another bin!
The Murk Family are Jim & Donna (the parents) and Bill, Becky, Brenda, and Barbara (the alliterated offspring ). The name sounded familiar. Then I remembered this.
Their family caught a big break in 1963 when Jim won the "Ted Mack's Original Amateur Hour" - the "American Idol" of its time. This led to hundreds of appearance all over the world.
This only sounds bad but it's not. There's a lot going on in this album (or albums).
The first album (ornament cover) was issued on MFM Records (their own label) in 1970. The second (picture wreath) was released a year later on the Toya Records label of Chicago.
So what's the difference in the two? Nothing. They are the same album. The Toya album cleaned up a little better (both on the album & artwork) and that's all.
I think you might find these a change in pace. There are unique versions of Christmas songs and well performed too! My personal favorite is "The Only Thing I Want For Christmas" - a damn good song!
Be on the lookout for Jim Murk. He recites several of his poems on the album with a lonely organ accompanying him.
Two choices for your shopping pleasure:
The Murk Family - Christmas With
(MFM - Ornament cover)
The Murk Family - Christmas With
(Toya - Picture wreath)
Happy listening x 2...