At first, I thought that this was another album marked for my "CD Available" pile. According to all my Google searches and checks, this album was released once on CD back in 1995, has been long out of print, and is much sought after by collectors throughout cyberspace.
Jimmy Dean was always a shrewd businessman. This was a man who once employed Roy Clark (of "Hee Haw" fame) and fired him for being constantly tardy!
Dean had a long recording career throughout the 1950s and 1960s - spawning his only #1 hit "Big Bad John in 1961 - and had not one but TWO TV variety shows named after him (the latter being the more successful one from 1963-1966).
This album was released at the very height of his popularity and it's a wonderful Christmas album. I never realized before what a melodious voice JD possessed - there are some tunes in here that are drop dead good! If you're looking for a change in pace, I would recommend this one.
That's my opinion. Let me know what you think:
Jimmy Dean - Jimmy Dean's Christmas Card
Happy listening...