I placed a bid and did a Google on "CLM Industries". I scrolled down on the first page of results and it came back:
CLM Industries - Maker of Toronto and Chicago warning sirens during the Cold War. One was most famously featured in the 1980 film "The Blues Brothers" used as a vehicle mounted PA system.
So this record had that going for it.

The flip side was "The Sounds of Christmas" - reprinted from their 1959 Christmas brochure. It sounded very familiar and I began wondering why it did.
Earlier this month, our neighbor Lee at his blog posted six Line Material 45s released through the years. And those record label scans he posted looked awfully familiar. That fact was confirmed when Brainwerk posted this tidbit at his blog - almost the same exact label!
C is for Canada. L is for Line. M is for Material. I never claimed to be the sharpest tool in the shed and this proves it folks!
So for all you Line Material completists out there, here is my (unknowing at first) contribution to a subgenre that keeps expanding:
CLM Industries - Christmas 1961 - SINGLE
Happy listening...