I wasn't sure what to make of it: was this one of those specialty groups that PBS uses to fund raise? Was this Shonen Knife in classical Chinese music form?
Should I purchase it or not? I was set to purchase it when I spied a copy of the Rev. Horton Heat's We Three Kings CD and immediately swapped, settling the issue.
I saw this CD a few more times at different stores during Christmas, 2006 but never purchased it. Then I read a favorable review from Christmas Reviews on New Year's Day that changed my mind.
I ran back to Barnes & Noble (who kept their Christmas music on the shelves through New Year's Day - bravo to them!) and purchased this CD.
The Twelve Girls Band not only play traditional Chinese instruments but add in strings, piano, drums, and electric guitar for flavor (sorta like MSG). They mix Christmas classics (Silent Night), Chinese songs (Shiroi Koibito Tachi), and some recent Christmas songs (Last Christmas) that all add up to a very fun, interesting, and jaw dropping CD. If you're looking for Christmas music with a Chinese / rock flavor bordering on Muzak, this is the album for you.
I could also recommend (if you can find it) the Oriental Echo Ensemble's Chung King Christmas (RCA Victor, 1991) that is a basic package of straightforward Christmas music performed in the traditional Chinese style.