What caught my attention was "Christmas On The Block", a mash-up of Paul McCartney's "Wonderful Christmastime" and Jennifer Lopez's "Jenny From The Block".
This led me into the world of Christmas mash-ups. Shortly before Christmas, 2004, I downloaded a full Christmash CD online entitled "Merry Christmash" from a now-defunct site from the UK. I also purchased a mash-up CD entitled "A Mutated Christmas".
This led me to GYBO, the holy grail web site for bootleg / mash-ups. You can probably spend around 40 hours here listening to amazing mixes of whatever musical genre you can think of. This led me to a name that I recognized from the earlier Christmas CDs. A Boston masher named DJ BC had gathered several well known mashers from around the world and put together the Christmas CD you see above.
This 18 track CD is by far the best Christmas mash-up album out there. There's something for everybody on this album. Wanna know something else? You can still download this album! You better do it now before it goes POOF:
Santastic! Holiday Boots 4 Your Stockings
Happy downloading and listening... On to the next new Christmas CD in my collection...