so i was sitting there eating some form of ramen tonight and i realised something i'd realised a thousand times before: you cannot eat ramen politely. it ALWAYS spills here and there and out of your mouth. its really very annoying. mac came online and now i don't feel like i quite tripped over my own feet. and why am i worried? lord only knows. i'm watching something on madonna.. her greatest moments on TV. shes got really scary-ass cheek-bones. its wrong. ooh. now something on groupies is on. good god. alright. i have to point this out. i'm sure other people have donet his before, but i have to.. if he was not famous, kid rock would just look like any other drug dealer and/or rapist. hes really so sleazy. and not good sleazy. the kinda guy who you think is undressing you with their eyes.. blatantly. and now this only has half my attention...