I have been looking at a 12' Christmas Tree at Sam's club the past month! I have fallen in love with the very tall 12' tree! I decided last Friday along with a dear friend that we should purchase this beautiful tree! We went last Friday and purchased the beuatiful trees. I couldn't wait to put it up! I have tried so hard to wait until after Thanksgiving, but I just can't wait! I'm like a kid! I decided I would put it up and start decorating the tree after Thanksgiving! So, in my family room stands my very tall tree with just lights! I love this tree so much, it was so easy to put up and there is one plug! I think my tree that I've been using for several trees must have come on the Mayflower ship! I'm so amazed by the simplicity of this tree! I have said if there is a flood, tornado or any kind of disaster, grab the tree, forget the 72 hour kits, GRAB THE TREE!