As FaLaLaLaLa's Christmas In July celebration slowly winds down, I'm offering this special Christmas promo 45 to all those people (like myself) who create annual Christmas compilations and search for those unique sound clips that you can use as a bridge between songs or use them as a stand alone track on the CD.
In my opinion, the best year during the entire decade of the 1980s was 1983. "M*A*S*H*" finally went off the air, Stephen King wrote "Christine" and "Pet Sematary", and radio gave us Duran Duran, Michael Jackson, Culture Club, Prince, and a slew of memorable 80s one hit wonders. I'll stop now - I've been known to babble about why this year was the best.
The US Government may very well be the largest distributor of Christmas promotional albums and singles of all time. Since WWII and the V-Discs, they have released almost on a yearly basis promos for each branch of the military, VA hospitals, US Savings Bonds, the Post Office, you name it.
Like most of my government promo albums / 45s, I found this single at that online mecca of great finds called eBay. I didn't pay that much for this one (unlike others) and despite having this in my collection for the past two years, I have never used it on any of my Christmas comps.
If you're putting a Christmas compilation together and you can use this, I wish you the best.
1983 Air Force Public Service Spots - Disc V
If you do use it, please send me a copy of your Christmas comp - I'd love to hear it!
Happy listening...